Our annual reports

Our performance

We are proud of our performance and delighted to share our progress since our inception. Our latest annual report introduces our performance during our second year of active trading (financial year 2023/24).

Our initial services such as corporate landlord, major projects, and talent acquisition have matured in their second year of trading, and are now ready to be traded to other organisations.

Our priority this year, articulated through our annual business plan, has been to continue to support the council in providing services to the residents and businesses of Lichfield District. As a company wholly owned by the council, any cash surplus, in addition to the fees already paid, are returned to the council for it to reinvest in public services.

Our company objective ‘creative in our thinking, commercial in our approach and innovative in our delivery’ has been challenged this year by the introduction of two large, complex new services (disabled facilities grants and leisure centres) which were struggling badly prior to our taking them over.

These new services support the most vulnerable in our community and impact large volumes of residents. We are enormously proud to see how well they have integrated into the company, how well our staff have embraced our company values, and the progress we have made which is articulated in our annual report.

Our annual report 2023/2024

Our annual report 2022/2023